Our products

The Coconut

The coconut is the fruit (drupe) of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera); one of the representatives of the palm or Arecaceae family. The full inflorescence can reach 1 meter long. The fruit, which can measure up to 30 cm in diameter, is smooth and light green or orange in color when ...

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The Coconut of the hybrid round shape variety

The HYBRID variety is round with a wide base, its shell is less hard with a thinner almond and less sweet. It contains a lot of water. In this variety it is common to have nuts weighing more than 800 grams...

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Coconut of the Goa variety in oval shape

GOA means: Great West African. This variety is also called local coconut. This type of coconut is generally small with an oval or round shape and can weigh at most 800 grams. Its shell is relatively hard and its almond ...

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The Pineapple

The pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a xerophytic plant (fruit), native to South America, more specifically from Paraguay, northeastern Argentina and southern Brazil...

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The Mango

The mango is the fruit of the mango tree, a large tropical tree in the Anacardiaceae family, native to the forests of India, Pakistan and Burma ...

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The Sesame

Sesame (Sesamum indicum) is a plant of the Pedaliaceae family and an agricultural product widely cultivated for its seeds ...

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The Ginger

Ginger is a species of plant native to India, of the genus Zingiber and of the family Zingiberaceae, the rhizome of which is used in cooking and in traditional medicine. This rhizome is a spice widely used in a large number of Asian cuisines, and in particular in Indian cuisine.

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Cashew Nuts

The cashew or cashew nut is the fruit of the cashew tree (Anacardium Occidentale), a tree native to tropical America. It is a drupe whose shell contains a caustic and allergenic resin, ...

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